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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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The Burden for the Need of Bible Laymen Within Remnant Churches
Date: Oct 6, 2023
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Jeremiah 7:1–7, 45:1–5; 1 Thessalonians 2:11–14, 19, 20
The Burden of the Death of Public Christianity
Date: Oct 6, 2023
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Acts 11:19–26, 26:24–28; 1 Peter 4:12–19; Luke 18:8; Isaiah 1:9
The Burden of End-Time Powers Rising Within Global Governments
Date: Oct 5, 2023
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Daniel 7:1–8, 19–25
The Burden of the Battle Against the Bible
Date: Oct 5, 2023
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Psalm 68:7–11; Jeremiah 36:20–24; Luke 4:14–22b; Revelation 1:9–11, 3
The Burden for the Need of Bible Preachers and Teachers
Date: Oct 5, 2023
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Jeremiah 1:1–10
The Burden of Jeremiah for Our Times
Date: Oct 4, 2023
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Jeremiah 1:1–8; Jeremiah 20:7–9
Oh, the Depth of Christ’s Death and Resurrection
Date: Oct 1, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Psalm 34:18; Psalm 51:17
Summary: The Christian must see in Scripture the depth of Christ’s death and resurrection and what was to come to our lives through these events. We live below what God intended for us to live with such a great salvation.
The Need of Brokenness for Maintenance of the Christian Life
Date: Oct 1, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Psalm 34:18; Psalm 51:17
Summary: What is needed after the crises of redemption is the appropriation of the Cross through brokenness.
A Study of Pneumatology
Date: Sep 29, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
The Need of a Lamb for Our Life
Date: Sep 27, 2023
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: John 1:29–37
Summary: When John the Baptist declared Christ to be the Lamb of God, he revealed the greatest need in Israel. Though Jesus is many things to us, the greatest thing we need is a Saviour that is able to take away all our sin.
The Ethics of My Christian Life
Date: Sep 24, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:11–18; 7:1
Summary: When we are in sin there are several authorities that dictate our Ethics: the world, the Devil, and self. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil has had many partakers over the centuries that dictated the view of right and wrong.
The Change in the Life of the Redeemed
Date: Sep 24, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Luke 15:25–32
Summary: When God saves an individual from sin and from the powers of the world, the whole concept of “Ethics” changes in the life. The Word of God must now become the authority that governs the Ethics of the Christian. The characteristics that mark the Christian’s perspective of right and wrong must be viewed from God’s perspective.
The Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension
Date: Sep 22, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
The Need of Maintaining God’s Word in Heart and Life
Date: Sep 20, 2023
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4–6
Summary: There is the need of maintaining God’s Word in heart and life in the midst of the need of God’s Word and responsive living in the lives of the next generation.
God’s Feasts for Christian Living
Date: Sep 17, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Luke 15:17–24; Acts 18:19–21; Acts 20:15–16
Summary: God wants His people to enjoy the life with Him now and in the life to come. The deeper the Christian Life becomes, the deeper the inner joy and blessing. We must desire the heart being at rest and peace daily with God.
The Chief End of Man Is to Glorify God and to Enjoy Him
Date: Sep 17, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Acts 18:18–22; Acts 20:16; Revelation 3:20; Revelation 4:1
Summary: What are the feasts of God with His people? They are to be found in Christ and in the End Time.
The Earthly Ministry of Jesus
Date: Sep 15, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
And God Blessed Him There
Date: Sep 13, 2023
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Genesis 32:9b
Summary: Where does God bless an individual? It could be in the most critical hour of life as with Jacob that night at Peniel. It was a place of repentance, humility, of wrestling with Him. But it could be the greatest hour of our lives.
The Dissembling Heart of Man
Date: Sep 10, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Ephesians 2:11–22
Summary: Oh, the philosophical powers that have taken over the world in their thinking of God and the living of a spiritual life. Do we truly know God, or have the personalities of this age defined God for us and how we are to live our self, existential life?
Coming to Know God
Date: Sep 10, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: John 1:1–2, 14, 18; John 14:1–9
Summary: Only through Jesus Christ can a person know God. Through nature we can come to know manifestations and attributes of God, but it is only through Christ that we can truly come to know God.
Jesus Christ: His Incarnation and Virgin Birth
Date: Sep 8, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast