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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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Found 5430 records | Showing records 1151–1175

The Witness of John: Jesus is the Son of God
Date: Jul 22, 2020
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Walking in Holiness and Righteousness: Part One
Date: Jul 19, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17–24
Walking in Holiness and Righteousness: Part Two
Date: Jul 19, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Ephesians 4:25–32
Learning to Trust God
Date: Jul 17, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
The Appointed Feet of World History: Part Two
Date: Jul 17, 2020
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Deity of Jesus Christ: A Part of the Hypostatic Union
Date: Jul 15, 2020
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Heaven’s Perspective of Providence on Earth
Date: Jul 12, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Zechariah 1:1–17; Habakkuk 2:20
The Appointed Feet of World History: Part One
Date: Jul 10, 2020
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Relying on God’s Guidance
Date: Jul 10, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
The Great Parallel Truth of Christ and the Old Testament Tabernacle
Date: Jul 8, 2020
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
God’s Covenant With a Man
Date: Jul 5, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Judges 2:6–15; 2 Timothy 3:15–17; Isaiah 54:13; 1 Chronicles 4:9, 10; Psalm 25:14, 50:3–5
Summary: The unfolding of covenants in the Bible leading up to the New Covenant. The need of coming to a covenant for our life, our family, and our church.
God’s Calling to the Ministry
Date: Jul 5, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Ezekiel 1:1–5b
Summary: The various callings that come to an individual from God. Callings from God are to be found from the new birth to the deeper life. But there is the calling into the ministry to preach.
Fear of the Future’s Unknown: Part Four
Date: Jul 3, 2020
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Acknowledging God’s Justice and Mercy
Date: Jul 3, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
Christ the God-Man: To Fully Reveal God
Date: Jul 1, 2020
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Summary: This is a continuation of our summer study as we enter into the Gospel according to John in this lesson presenting the deity of Christ.
Our Worship in the End Time
Date: Jun 28, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Psalm 2:1–12
Summary: Carefully unfolding the recent mandates concerning worship in the church and how far we can go in our accountability of conscience before God versus the mandates.
The Mark of the Beast versus the Mark of the Mask
Date: Jun 28, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Daniel 2:31–35, 40–45
Summary: The unfolding of how the mark of the Beast will come to the world. Just as there are many antichrists, there are many preliminary "marks" that prepare us for the coming of the mark of the Beast.
Responding to God’s Commission
Date: Jun 26, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
The Son of Man Revealing Divine Mercy Upon Men
Date: Jun 24, 2020
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
A Biblical Father for Unbiblical Times
Date: Jun 21, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Exodus 15:1–2; Proverbs 4:1
Summary: The birth of “Father’s Day” and the biblical unfolding of what the Lord appointed a father to be. How sad these principles of fatherhood are rarely found in our society today.
Fear of the Future’s Unknown: Part Three
Date: Jun 19, 2020
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Perfect Humanity of the Son of Man
Date: Jun 17, 2020
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
I Sleep, But My Heart Waketh
Date: Jun 14, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Song of Solomon 4:1–16; Song of Solomon 5:1–8
Summary: The subtle danger of growing older and letting our relationship with Christ wane in its responsiveness to Christ.
Coming to Know the Beauty of Holiness: Love
Date: Jun 14, 2020
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Psalm 110:3; 1 Corinthians 16:22; Ephesians 6:24
Summary: The conclusion of the morning message in the need of recovery and what is the key to living a life of holiness.
Postscript of a Prayer Conference
Date: Jun 13, 2020
Service Type: Men’s Prayer Conference