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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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Faith and Its Present Need
Date: Feb 22, 2023
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Luke 8:22–25
Summary: Where is our faith when it is needed for the trial and crises of life? We must understand the “nature” of faith for these days.
The Effectual Work of God Within
Date: Feb 19, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Philippians 2:12–13; Ephesians 3:7; Ephesians 4:12–16
Summary: An unfolding of the effectual workings of God within the heart of the Christian. This is most important for the Christian see and pray for.
The Sounds of Deceptive Revival
Date: Feb 19, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Matthew 24:22–28
Summary: What are the sounds of end-time concepts of revival, that if it were possible the very elect would be deceived?
God’s Protection for the Mind: Part One
Date: Feb 17, 2023
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Consciousness of a Church Born
Date: Feb 17, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
The Effectual Working of God Within
Date: Feb 15, 2023
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Ephesians 3:7; Ephesians 4:16
Summary: God’s effectual calling within Paul’s life and the effectual working of God within those that hear.
What Brings about Failures between Brethren?
Date: Feb 12, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Colossians 3:1–15
Summary: The “self” of two individuals may have its own unique problems that become difficulties among others. Only the Christ within can resolve the “self” first, and then the problem between one another.
The Delicacy of Certain Failures Among Brethren
Date: Feb 12, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: 2 Samuel 9:1–13
Summary: The tension that came between David and Mephibosheth over a lie told to David by the servant of Mephibosheth and how it turned out.
The Power of the Mind’s Imagination: Part Three
Date: Feb 10, 2023
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Consciousness of a Worldview
Date: Feb 10, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
Offenses Must Come
Date: Feb 8, 2023
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Matthew 18:15
Summary: God permits such divisions to brothers as part of the sifting and shaking of the church in the End Time. This is one of the ways God brings out of us that which needs to be dealt with by grace.
Offenses: God’s Siftings and Shakings of the End Time
Date: Feb 5, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Hebrews 12:18–29; Ephesians 4:17–32; Matthew 9:14, 15
Summary: One of the great weapons that the Devil is using among the saints is trying to bring discord between them. We must do all we can to recover from any fallout of fellowship between God’s true people.
Seeking Out My Brother
Date: Feb 5, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Matthew 18:1–10
Summary: Drawing from Matthew 18 the practical steps in recovering from breakage of fellowship with a brother.
The Power of the Mind’s Imagination: Part Two
Date: Feb 3, 2023
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Consciousness of Contemplation
Date: Feb 3, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
Why Are Brothers Against Brothers?
Date: Jan 29, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Philippians 2:1–5; Philippians 4:1–4
Summary: When we are born again we enter the family of God. We are now brothers and sisters. We must do all we come to maintain our relationship in the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Getting Right with My Brother
Date: Jan 29, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Matthew 18:1–5
Summary: This is the classic chapter dealing with getting right with our brother when there has been a wrong. Christ is the Saviour for both the innocent and the guilty.
The Power of the Mind’s Imagination: Part One
Date: Jan 27, 2023
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Consciousness of Forgiveness
Date: Jan 27, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
What Do I Do With My Past?
Date: Jan 25, 2023
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17–25; Luke 19:1–10
Summary: There are some things of our past life when coming to Christ that we cannot do anything about except put it under the blood. We must pick up from the present in our change. “Go and sin no more.”
The Complaint Concerning the Christ’s Life
Date: Jan 22, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: John 6:53–69
Complaints along the Christian Way
Date: Jan 22, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Jude 1–3, 11, 15–19; Matthew 24:3–13
The Consciousness of Sin
Date: Jan 20, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
The Christian Mind Facing the Illusions of the Endtime: Part Three
Date: Jan 20, 2023
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Death of Pope Benedict XVI
Date: Jan 15, 2023
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Revelation 17:1–18; Matthew 16:13–20
Summary: This message takes the growth of the papacy through Church history and the death of Pope Benedict XVI. Romanism has not changed from its apostasy but is only increasing.