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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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Found 5430 records | Showing records 3451–3475

Seeking God Early: Part Two
Date: Oct 27, 2010
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Bematos of Christ: Part Two
Date: Oct 20, 2010
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Temptation of Trial or Temptation of Evil
Date: Oct 17, 2010
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: James 1:1–5,12–16; Matthew 4:1,3
Fresh Christianity
Date: Oct 17, 2010
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12,15; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5,15; Matthew 13:52
The Bematos of Christ: Part One
Date: Oct 15, 2010
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
A Final Plea to Young Fundamentalists
Date: Oct 10, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: Jude 1:1-4; 2 Timothy 2:1-2
Goliath: A Man Prepared for War from His Youth
Date: Oct 10, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:1-14, 33, 41-47; John 8:44
Out of the Depths: God's Deliverance at Sea
Date: Oct 10, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
David: The Giant Slayer
Date: Oct 8, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:10-50
Samuel: He Ministered Before the Lord
Date: Oct 8, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:11, 18; 1 Samuel 3:1
Phinehas: His Zeal for the Lord
Date: Oct 8, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: Numbers 25:1-18
David: The Harp Player
Date: Oct 7, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:11-23
Daniel: Refusing to Defile Himself
Date: Oct 7, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: Daniel 1:1-21; Ecclesiates 11:9
The Coming Leadership
Date: Oct 7, 2010
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Preparing the Children for Battle
Date: Oct 7, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: Psalm 78:1–11
Jether: His Failure to Fight for God
Date: Oct 6, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: Judges 6:1-11, 25-27; Judges 8:18-20
And the Lord Opened the Eyes of the Young Man
Date: Oct 6, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: 2 Kings 2:1-3; 2 Kings 2:16-18; 2 Kings 4:38; 2 Kings 6:13-17
Christ:The Only Prince of Peace
Date: Oct 1, 2010
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Character of Biblical Gold
Date: Sep 29, 2010
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Job 28:12-17
Coming to Understand Justification by Faith
Date: Sep 26, 2010
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Romans 3:1-31
The Distinction Between Loss of Communion, Backsliding, and Being Backslidden
Date: Sep 26, 2010
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Song of Solomon 1:6-9; Hebrews 3:7-11
A New Heart
Date: Sep 22, 2010
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Praying for a Final, Resolved Harvest of Life for God
Date: Sep 22, 2010
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Galatians 6:7-9
Grace: From Pardon to Power
Date: Sep 19, 2010
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:10; Jude 4; John 1:14-17
The Fruit of the Spirit: Part Two
Date: Sep 16, 2010
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith