Summary: Wesley was drawn to God’s people and how they died with peace and contentment. It was from this observation that he came to see the need of the crucifixion to be found in sanctification, and the need of “dying daily.”
Summary: One of the reasons we do not go on in the Deeper life is that we do not pray, or we pray amiss. Promises are given in the Bible for the hope of such a working within our lives.
Summary: How will we live the Christian life given in the New Birth. God has appointed a life within the life, and that life is Christ Himself. This is the Sanctified Life within the Regenerated Life.
Scripture: Acts 3:19; Luke 5:17; Joshua 1:6–11; Joshua 3:14–17
Summary: As God sends a season to a church of His desire to do His Work in the hearts of God’s people, that is the time when we should respond. It is God revealing that it is HIS time for the work.
Summary: We must understand the distinction between these three terms and that they are complete in the work they do. But they lead to a consummation of working sanctification in both its crisis and its process for the Christian life.
Summary: Taking the restoration of the city of Jerusalem by Nehemiah, especially the twelve gates and the walls in between as part of the need for the recovery of a ruined life.
Summary: The “self” of two individuals may have its own unique problems that become difficulties among others. Only the Christ within can resolve the “self” first, and then the problem between one another.