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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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Living in a Strange Land: Part Two
Date: Aug 30, 2019
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Prophecy of God's Word upon Us
Date: Aug 25, 2019
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:1–7
Summary: The unfolding of 2 Timothy 3 and the prophecies given over Timothy. God has invested His Word upon our children and what they must come to in their prime vision. Also the need of not neglecting the Spirit of God, and the need of stirring up this gift within.
Christian Remembrance Sunday
Date: Aug 25, 2019
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Psalm 42:1–11; Malachi 3:13–18; Philippians 1:1–3
Summary: The gift of memory and the purpose for it according to the Scriptures, and the presentation of those who have passed away over the years of the Foundations history.
Living in a Strange Land: Part One
Date: Aug 23, 2019
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Building a Life for Christ: the Silver and Precious Stones
Date: Aug 23, 2019
Service Type: Special Service
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:9–15
Summary: This message concludes the burden of three nights presenting the need of building our life upon the foundation of Christ, and Christ becoming the building material for such a life.
Building a Life on the ONLY Foundation: Christ Himself
Date: Aug 21, 2019
Service Type: Special Service
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:9–15
Summary: Taken from 1 Corinthians 3, that there is no other foundation that can be laid than that which is laid, Jesus Christ. We cannot lay another foundation beside this one. Also the first material mentioned for the building of a life in Christ – gold.
Building a Life for Christ, in Christ, and upon Christ
Date: Aug 21, 2019
Service Type: Opening Sermon to the Schools
Scripture: Matthew 7:24–29; Luke 6:47–49; 1 Corinthians 3:9–11
Summary: The parable of Matthew 7 concerning the need of the Foundation of the Christian life to be firmly settled in the heart and life. That foundation is Christ, and it is established through our "hearing" and "obeying" what we hear.
Prayer Leads to Callings
Date: Aug 18, 2019
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Summary: A continuation of the burden of Sunday morning in reference to praying for callings to come to the next generation in the proclaiming of the Gospel for that generation.
A Needed Prayer in Days of Revival Praying
Date: Aug 18, 2019
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Matthew 9:35–38; Matthew 10:1–7; 1 Corinthians 14:1–3
Summary: When revival comes to a home or church, one of the prayers that will be increased is that the Lord will send forth laborers into the Harvest. The callings of God are most important in days of revival.
The Wholeness of Healing: Part Three
Date: Aug 15, 2019
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Beginnings, Continuations, and End of Our Lives with God
Date: Aug 14, 2019
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Genesis 1:1; Acts 1:1–2; Revelation 1:1–3
Summary: Observing a closing word on our studies in the book of Genesis for the summer. "In the Beginning God..." We want all of our beginnings to be God, our continuations from those beginnings with Christ, and our end to be the "revelation" of Christ.
Bringing the Bride to Isaac
Date: Aug 11, 2019
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Genesis 22:19; Genesis 24:63
Summary: The wooing of the Spirit of God with the Bride of Christ to bring her unto the Bridegroom.
God's Perseverance Within the Christian's Perseverance
Date: Aug 11, 2019
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Philippians 2:12–16
Summary: The imperative need of God's perseverance in our lives enabling us to persevere in these days when so many professing Christians are leaving the path of righteousness because of the intensity of the battles in the Christian life.
The Garments of Christ's Bride
Date: Aug 10, 2019
Service Type: Ladies Prayer Fellowship
His Wife Hath Made Herself Ready
Date: Aug 9, 2019
Service Type: Ladies Prayer Fellowship
The Wholeness of Healing: Part Two
Date: Aug 8, 2019
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Life of Joseph
Date: Aug 7, 2019
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Genesis 30:22 – 50:26
The Need of Biblical Thinking in the Trials of the Sanctified Life
Date: Aug 4, 2019
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Genesis 35:1–7; Genesis 37:34–36; Genesis 42:29–38
Summary: This message continues the life of Jacob and the imperative need of proper thinking through the trials being faced after the crisis of sanctification.
The Aftermath of Peniel
Date: Aug 4, 2019
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Genesis 37:20–36; Genesis 45:14–28; Genesis 46:1–6
Summary: This message takes the life of Jacob, but especially the burden of Jacob's life between the crisis at Peniel and his going down into Egypt. What weaknesses might be found in the "human" nature after sanctification that could become dangers in living a victorious life.
The Wholeness of Healing: Part One
Date: Jul 31, 2019
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Life of Jacob
Date: Jul 31, 2019
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Genesis 25:19 – 50:13
The Earth of Man's Being and Its Miry Proclivity
Date: Jul 28, 2019
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Genesis 2:5–9; Psalm 40:1–3; Jeremiah 18:1–6
Summary: The creation of Man by God and how the dirt became mire. God's deliverance includes deliverance from the miry substance that corrupts God's creation in man. What brings worth to the "earth" of man's existence is the hand of the Potter and the breath of the Potter.
Refreshment Is a Part of Revival for God's People
Date: Jul 28, 2019
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Isaiah 28:9–13; Acts 3:19–20; Acts 27:1–3
Summary: In these days when so many things are part of the End Time powers against the Christian that are becoming constant and oppressive, we must come to know in God's providence what is to bring refreshment to our lives in Him.
This Thing: Love and Wisdom from God for a Precious Marriage
Date: Jul 27, 2019
Service Type: Marriage Conference
Scripture: 1 Kings 3:10
Summary: This message is based on the prayer of Solomon when God appeared to him and said, "Ask What I Shall Give Thee." Solomon's response brought God's favor that he had asked "this thing." What are the things we ask God for concerning our marriage?)
This Thing: Deliverance from the Little Foxes
Date: Jul 27, 2019
Service Type: Marriage Conference
Summary: Another thing we need to ask God: to help us overcome the little foxes that will destroy our marriage vineyard.