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Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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The Warp and Woof of a Worldview: Part Three
Date: Dec 24, 2021
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Warp and Woof of a Worldview: Part Four
Date: Dec 24, 2021
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Coventry Carol
Date: Dec 24, 2021
Service Type: Christmas Eve Service
Scripture: Matthew 2:16–19a
Summary: The infants surrounding the birth of Christ, those who were martyred by Herod the Great. While joy and gladness fill the Christmas carols, there is the weeping and sadness of “Rachel weeping” for those who will be killed by Herod.
The End Time and God’s Advent: Those Who Come From Afar
Date: Dec 22, 2021
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Matthew 2:1–12; Isaiah 55:1–6; 2 Peter 1:19–21
Summary: The biblical and traditional background of the wise men and how they relate to a certain part of the Remnant preparing for the 2nd coming of the Lord.
The End Time and God’s Advent: Simeon Waiting
Date: Dec 19, 2021
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Luke 2:25–35
Summary: An aged man Simeon waiting and longing for the coming of Messiah, and was told that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.
The End Time and God’s Advent: The Shepherds
Date: Dec 19, 2021
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Luke 2:8–20
Summary: The only ones who visited the Christ child on the night of His birth. The Shepherds and their closeness to the event.
The Warp and Woof of a Worldview: Part Two
Date: Dec 17, 2021
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Coming to See God’s Glory
Date: Dec 17, 2021
Service Type: Closing Sermon to the Schools
Scripture: John 1:14; Isaiah 6:1–8; Hebrews 11:24–27a
Summary: What is God’s glory, and is it possible for a child of God to come to know it and its manifestation in and for the life?
I Am What I Am by the Grace of God
Date: Dec 15, 2021
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:8–10
Summary: What is the distinction between the two “I’s” of Romans 7 and how to they come into existence? This truth is carefully dealt with in the first half of the message and then what God desires to do with both of the “I’s.”
The End Time and God’s Advent: Elisabeth, the Woman of Wisdom and Maturity
Date: Dec 12, 2021
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Luke 1:1–7, 36–45
Summary: The background of Elisabeth and how God used her to be a strength and insight for Mary.
The End Time and God’s Advent: Joseph the Man of Hope Yet Confusion
Date: Dec 12, 2021
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Matthew 1:18–25
Summary: This message reveals the need of God’s saints living in hope, yet not permitting confusion to affect that hope as we wait for the Son from Heaven.
The Warp and Woof of a Worldview: Part One
Date: Dec 10, 2021
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Revival and the Abundant Life
Date: Dec 8, 2021
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: John 10:10–11; Joshua 1:1–9
Summary: The Christian facing carnality and the antidote for it. The need of crossing the Jordan and the steps it will take to make that crossing.
The End Time and God’s Advent: Mary, the Submissive and Obedient One
Date: Dec 5, 2021
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Luke 1:26–38
Summary: The End Time will need Christians of submission to the will of God, living in obedience to the Word of God.
The End Time and God’s Advent: The Sequence of Events of the Birth of Christ
Date: Dec 5, 2021
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Matthew 1:16–25
Summary: What is the proper sequence of the events surrounding the birth of Christ.
The Paradigm Shifts of Worldviews: Part Three
Date: Dec 3, 2021
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Hope of a Changed Will in Revival
Date: Dec 1, 2021
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Romans 12:1–2; Romans 6:17–18; John 7:16–17
Summary: One of the failures in pursuing revival is a tenacity of will in desires and spiritual pursuits. We need to pray for revival to come in the strengthening of our will; this will be found in sanctification.
The End Time Leading Up to the Son’s First Coming
Date: Nov 28, 2021
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Galatians 4:4–5
Summary: A careful unfolding of the history leading to the culmination of the OT and the silent years in leading into the transition of the Son’s coming. He came “in the fullness of time.”
The Revival of Hope
Date: Nov 28, 2021
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Luke 1:1–12
Summary: The End Time of the Old Testament and the transition of the 400 silent years, brought the new dispensation of God in announcing to Zecharias that his prayer was heard. It seems that this priest had lost hope after so long praying. We must never permit hope to die in our lives as Christians.
The Paradigm Shifts of Worldviews: Part Two
Date: Nov 24, 2021
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Importunity Prayer for Revival
Date: Nov 21, 2021
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Nehemiah 1:1–11
Summary: When asking God for revival turns into knocking or importunate praying. Twenty-four passages to deal with truths we need to be praying for in revival.
Revival in the Living of Life
Date: Nov 21, 2021
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Habakkuk 1:1–5; 2:1–4; 3:1, 2, 16–19; Genesis 45:24–28; Psalm 85:6
Summary: When the trials and afflictions of life come upon us and they increase with greater longevity, we will need to know revival of heart in just the living of life.
The Paradigm Shifts of Worldviews: Part One
Date: Nov 19, 2021
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Revival to the Glory of God
Date: Nov 17, 2021
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Exodus 33:12–17
Summary: The seeking of revival is to be with the highest motive: to the glory of God. This message draws from Moses’ prayer in the aftermath of of the people’s failures at Mt. Sinai.
The Gospel of the Spirit Versus the Flesh: Part Two
Date: Nov 12, 2021
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith