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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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Fruit to the Father’s Glory
Date: Aug 13, 2022
Service Type: Ladies Prayer Fellowship
Scripture: John 15:1–8
Summary: The fruit of a Christian comes from the “producer” which is Christ; we are simply the bearer of the fruit.
The Cultivating of the Mind: Part Three
Date: Aug 12, 2022
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Vine and the Branch
Date: Aug 12, 2022
Service Type: Ladies Prayer Fellowship
Scripture: John 15:1–4
Summary: An introduction to the Vine and the Branch, and how God has chosen this means through which spiritual fruit is known.
The Writings of Paul in the Light of His Quest for Christ
Date: Aug 7, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Acts 9:17–25
Summary: Paul was no doubt one of the greatest minds of Israel at the time of the Book of Acts. Yet he had to revamp his thinking and pursuits once he met Christ on the road to Damascus. His writings became the insight to his quest.
The Radical Change of Saul of Tarsus
Date: Aug 7, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Acts 9:9–19
Summary: We explore the life of Saul in his great accomplishments leading up to the tender age of 29 or 30, when he became a Christian. The intense hatred for the Christian became the motivation for his actions against the Christians. But Christ wrought a change that is beyond what we see on the surface.
The Cultivating of the Mind: Part Two
Date: Aug 5, 2022
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
When God’s People Face a Time of Persecution
Date: Aug 3, 2022
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
A Revival of Christ’s Passover in Our Lives
Date: Jul 31, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 30:1–16, 23–27
Summary: This message draws from the burden of King Hezekiah and the revival God sent during his reign, and his burden for the renewing of the Passover.
Praying for the Future Watchmen among God’s People
Date: Jul 31, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Isaiah 21:5–12, 62:6, 7; Ezekiel 3:17, 33:1–7
Summary: In these days when fewer young men are being called into the Ministry, we pray for laymen, teachers, and yet the prayer for God calling watchmen on the wall and in the streets for the next generation.
One: In Marriage
Date: Jul 30, 2022
Service Type: Marriage Conference
One Another: In Our Marriage - Part Two
Date: Jul 30, 2022
Service Type: Marriage Conference
One Another: In Our Marriage - Part One
Date: Jul 30, 2022
Service Type: Marriage Conference
The Cultivating of the Mind: Part One
Date: Jul 29, 2022
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Power of the Thought Life: Part Three
Date: Jul 15, 2022
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
What to Do with Weariness of Life
Date: Jul 10, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Daniel 7:25a; Galatians 6:1–9
Summary: How often weariness creeps into the Christian life when we do not control our thought life in circumstances we face: circumstances of sickness, troubles, trials, sufferings, and just the plain living of life. God forbid we ever get weary with God.
Death and Burning in the Wilderness
Date: Jul 10, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Numbers 1:1, 19; Numbers 3:4, 14; Numbers 9:1, 2, 5; Numbers 10:12; Numbers 11:1–9
Summary: The stragglers at the back of the camp and their talk of murmuring and complaining brought a fire from God that destroyed those whose heart and voice were against God. Oh, how the heart changes against God and His leadership in the wildernesses of life.
The Power of the Thought Life: Part Two
Date: Jul 8, 2022
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Observations Concerning the King James Bible
Date: Jul 6, 2022
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
The Fall of Lucifer and His Powerful Influence on One-Third of the Angels
Date: Jul 3, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Isaiah 14:12–17; Revelation 12:3–4, 9–11
Summary: How did Luciferd fall and how did he convince one-third of the angels to leave their allegiance to God. The same approach is taking place in many good churches; there is the falling away of many Christians.
Being Ready for the Rapture
Date: Jul 3, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:1
Summary: This message comes after the testimonies given by the young people concerning the youth camp. What is to be known in heart and life to be ready for the Rapture.
The Power of the Thought Life: Part One
Date: Jul 1, 2022
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Burial versus Cremation
Date: Jun 29, 2022
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Confusion After the New Birth
Date: Jun 26, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Romans 6:1–2, 14–?
Summary: What happens after the New Birth may bring a Christian into confusion when he faces the powers of carnality confronting his life. We trust this sermon will help in understanding the struggle with the flesh and its confusion.
Deepening Our Life in Christ
Date: Jun 26, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Ezekiel 47:1–8
Summary: The need in the Christian life is ever to be going on with Christ in living. As a marriage must ever be growing in love and living, so the Christian life must grow in love and living with Christ.
God’s Grand Plan of History
Date: Jun 12, 2022
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Hebrews 9:24–28
Summary: This message is a postscript to the Men’s Prayer Conference. It explains how God uses our subordinate histories in the grand plan of History for the glory of His Son.