In the Midst of Three Crosses
Music : Sacred Vocal
In the Midst of Three CrossesAudio CD Sacred Choral Music Foundations Bible Collegiate Chamber Choir Foundations Bible Collegiate Chamber Choir presents over an hour of sacred choral music. This CD also includes three solo selections by Dr. Dennis Lowry and two hymns from the Foundations Christian Academy Elementary Chorus.
  • Audio CD
Price: $13.00
Sale Price (20% Discount): $10.40

From the CD Insert

The founder of the Foundations Ministries, Dr. O. Talmadge Spence, once remarked that while at the center of Protestant Christianity has been the preaching of the mighty Sword of the Word of God, a large amount of its doctrine has also been preserved in that Sword’s beautiful sheath—Protestant hymnody. For several decades this rich and precious heritage has been under constant attack by all forms of Neo-Christianity. The liberals long ago deleted references to the “blood” of Jesus, changing texts such as “there is a fountain filled with blood / drawn from Immanuel’s veins” to “there springs a fountain where for sin / Immanuel was slain.” Following the deletion of the “blood” came the removal of the “battle,” suggesting “Onward, Christian soldiers” be changed to “Onward, Christian people marching on to peace.”

Equally horrific has been the more recent fever in so-called conservative Christianity (including Fundamentalism) of writing weak and effeminate melodies to our traditional Protestant texts believing this will bring a revival to congregational worship. If worldly and carnal forms are needed to make congregational singing “meaningful, alive, varied, inspirational, worshipful, and challenging,” the institutional church has given evidence to the absence of the Holy Spirit.

In quiet protest to this rapid distortion and eventual extinction of historical Protestant hymnody, this collection of sacred music seeks to explore the main traditional facets of Protestant church music. Included are selections from the Psalter (metrical settings of scripture), anthems (scripture placed to music), doctrinal hymnody, devotional hymnody, as well as the testimonial hymnody of the Gospel song (often addressed to the sinner).

Appropriately, this live recording concludes with the congregation’s participation near the end of the final selection, the “Passion Medley.” In a day when church music has been centered upon the slick presentation of professional performers, the burden of the Foundations Ministries’ founder continues: “May the music return to the congregation of God’s saints who stand and sit and pray and sing before the pulpits of the preaching of the inerrant, infallible, and inspired Word of God—the Message.”

Track Listing

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  Song Title Time
  1. Rise, My Soul! Behold ‘Tis Jesus 4:01
  2. One Thing Have I Desired 2:36
  3. It Is Well with My Soul 5:02
  4. How Firm a Foundation 4:05
  5. Jesus, Lover of My Soul 4:34
  6. Whiter Than Snow 6:17
  7. And Shall We Then Go on to Sin 3:18
  8. Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild 1:55
  9. Glory to Thee 2:22
  10. Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah 3:28
  11. What Are These? 4:37
  12. Holy, Holy, Holy 3:41
  13. Three Crosses 5:51
  14. The Holy City 3:59
  15. Passion Medley 7:32