The Human Spirit, Volume One
Books : Christian Life
The Human Spirit, Volume OneSoftcover A Series of Theological Devotional Discourses O. Talmadge Spence Completed within months of his death, the final works of Dr. Spence are a presentation on the human spirit. In a series of theological discourses, two volumes become a sequel to his earlier writing The Quest for Christian Purity, a large literary work of needed study for any Christian who desires a deeper walk and life with God.
  • Softcover
Price: $12.95
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Excerpts from the Book

There was a time when the theological discourse was most prominent in the writings of the men of God, and we have suffered much as a result of its disappearance. This was particularly appropriate in the days of our Puritan writers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

It used to be in the heart of the men of God to spend their entire lifetime moving in and out among the fundamentals of the great historic Christian Faith. Reinforcing these great truths with great connecting links between each of the fundamental truths, there was formed a total fabric of a one-cloth truth that would lead the Christians through all the various compartments of life. This fabric of truth wore well in better days. However, in our time, we crave the little truth, the Christian calendar text-for-the-busy-day. We swallow a devotional book to comfort our religious daily duty, but we begin to starve for God. Not believing we are really starving for God and hungering for a deeper faith, we fall back on trivia and religious entertainment, thinking “Jesus” in any form is Jesus in the singular form, all The Holy Scriptures.

This book will be useless to the reader unless we establish quickly where the study of the human spirit must lead us. Anything known about a creature who is human commences in the fall of man. At the other end of the revealed Word of God lies the redemption of man by the free grace of God as set forth in the Cross of Calvary where Christ Jesus died for our sins according to the Scriptures (I Cor. 15:3).

Therefore, we may view man—the human spirit—in the fall or in the Cross. We begin this unpretentious book with man in creation and the fall, as well as in the Cross and redemption.

Table of Contents

The Sevenfold Symbol
1. The Human Spirit in the Cross
2. The Human Spirit in Prayer
3. The Spirits of Just Men
4. Discovering the Human Spirit at the Border of Eden
5. At Our Own Exit of Sin
6. Contrast Definitions of the Human Spirit
7. Biblical Definitions of the Human Spirit
8. The Civil War of the Soul
9. Reckon, Yield, Obey
10. Two Original Words
11. Remove This Mountain
12. The Harp and Heart of a King
13. From Touch to Taste
14. The Skin of Things
15. Longing for Adornment
16. The Deeper Sin
17. Surprises in Heaven
18. A Woman Shall Compass a Man
19. Preserve or Change?
20. The Noble Heart
21. The Countenance of the Noble Heart
22. The Interior of the Heart
23. The Candle in the Window
24. The Soil of the Heart
25. Two Kings of Repentance
26. Three Interpretations of Grace
27. Maladjusted Men
28. Sorrow on the Sea
29. Is Hope True?
30. The Matter of Manner
31. Blank Spots in the Saints
32. The Genius
33. Chopin and Decadence
34. The Renaissance Man
35. The Classic and the Aesthetic
36. Never Wound a Wounded Man
37. Nothing to Pay
38. Your Own Private Chapel
39. Puzzling Passages
40. Three Views of the Cross
41. Three Beyonds
42. Two Kinds of Southern Religion
43. The Scripture of Truth
44. The Great Earthly Corpus
45. Understanding by Books
46. The Formula of the Universe
47. Exceptional Laws for Exceptional Deeds
48. The Great Experiment: Dumbness or Silence?
49. The Children's Charter
50. Choosing for the Charter's Children
51. God Requireth the Past
52. Just Men (A Miscellany)
53. The Fabric of the Fundamentals
54. Preserving the Preserved Word
55. Connecting Links to Cardinal Truths
56. Life Is One Season
57. Courtesy and Conscience? Apology or Repentance?
58. Kindred Spirits
59. The Devil Destroys; The Holy Spirit Crucifies
60. Art in Crisis
61. When God Has a Crisis: Change the Audience
62. What to Do with Space?
63. A Lifetime with Art and Music
64. God's Secret in the Human Spirit
65. Mercy for Man's Misery
66. I'll Meet You in the Morning
Poem: "He Hath Gone"