Charismatism: Awakening or Apostasy?
Books : Contemporary Issues
Charismatism: Awakening or Apostasy?Softcover O. Talmadge Spence A documented book of the origin and growth of the charismatic movement both for the layman who is looking for answers, and there is rationale for the theologian seeking deeper understanding.
  • Softcover
Price: $8.95

From the Foreword

This is a book that had to be written. No man is better qualified to write it than Dr. O. Talmadge Spence, who comes out of the historic Pentacostal movement. He is well acquainted with the leaders of traditional Pentacostalism and ably contrasts their attitudes, doctrines, outlooks, and purposes with those of the charismatics today and draws a sharp distinction between sincerity of the traditional Pentacostal leaders and the trickery and dishonesty of the clowns performing in the present charismatic circus. The reader need not hold to the historic Pentacostal doctrines and traditions any more than I do in order to benefit from this book, for this book is not written to promote Pentacostalism or argue its theological tenets. This book is both an historical analysis of the tradition and an exposé of the current emphases.

Any sincere Christian, certainly any Bible-believing, Fundamental Christian, must judge any religious phenomena on the basis of Biblical teaching and Scriptural truth. This is Dr. Spence's standard of judgment. Fundamental Christians will not always agree on matters of doctrinal interpretation; but we must all agree on the infallibility, inspiration, and divine authority of the Book as our standard for faith and practice. I am confident that Dr. Spence has been raised up by God to save many from the insidious and Satanic aberration of the charismatic movement and to warn God's people against it. This book will be bitterly attacked, but not with logic or the Word of God.

Table of Contents

Sound of the Sirens
Old and New Enemies
Sounds at Corinth
Sin: Species and Mutation
Neo-Christianity and Neo-Ecumenism




Chapter One—The Fallacy of Interpretive History
Heilsgeschichte Versus Neo-Pentacostalism
The Present Ecumenical Pentacostal Movement
The Classical Pentacostal
The Historical Presupposition of the Classical Pentecostal
A Personal Conclusion
Dangers Involved in Interpretative History
Possible Views of History


Chapter Two—The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in Church History
The Trinity Versus a Schizophrenic Godhead
Another Perspective in History Leading to Modern Pentacostalism
What Does This Mean?


Chapter Three—Historical Implications of Neo-Pentacostalism
Another View of the Former and Latter Rain
The Rains
Another Presupposition
Another View of the Book of Acts
Another View of the Corinthian Catastrophe




Chapter Four—The Weakness of Human Experience
Human Experience is Momentary; Human Experience is Weak
History Past, Experience Present
Definition of Fundamentalism
Pentacostal Experientialists


Chapter Five—The New Ecumenism
Apostolic Succeedings


Chapter Six—Experiential Compromises of the New Ecumenism
Companions in Compromise
Where are History and Experience Leading Us?
The Fourfold Vision of a Generation




Chapter Seven—The Infallibility of Divine Revelation
The Most Magnanimous Benefits Received By Man in History
Absolutes, Hypostatics, Paradoxes, and Systems
Certain Hypostatic Unions
Understanding the Paradox
The Sufficiency of Scripture Versus Extant Revelation
The Possibilities and Impossibilities of the Word
The Completeness and Finality of the Written Word
Extant Revelations
The Spirit Behind the Words of Men
The Necessity for the Objective Word of God


Chapter Eight—Neo-Pentacostalism: A Point of Departure, A Place of Achievement
The Point of Departure in the Error of Neo-Pentacostalism
The Place of Ecumenical Achievement in the Error of Neo-Pentacostalism
Final Pentacostal Echoes From the Past
The Scriptures: Neither Bound Nor Broken


Chapter Nine—Biblical Fundamentals and Distinctives
Plagued But Panoplied Fundamentalists
Early Pentacostalism and Fundamentalism
Panoply of Scripture
Charismatics and Their Compartments


Chapter Ten—Theology of the Deeper Life
Theological Shifts
Working Out the Theology of the Deeper Life
Character, Not Charismatics
Line of Demarcation Being Drawn
Principles That Bring Deeper Life
Foretastes of Glory and Tokens of Perdition
The Stars in Their Courses Fought