The Bachelor of Theology program is designed for those who have been called of the Lord to be a minister of the Gospel and to fill one or more of the ministerial positions such as a pastor, teacher, evangelist or missionary.
There is a grave need today for ministers whose lives are pure and filled with God’s Spirit, for ministers who are thoroughly grounded in the Word of God, ministers who are adept with sound theology, and who are prepared spiritually to be a shepherd of the people of God. The Bachelor of Theology program of Foundations Bible College has as its objective to develop such ministers.
More specifically, the objectives of the program are (1) to aid the student in developing a depth of spirituality that will enable him to be sound in emotions and judgment, to be compassionate and sensitive to the people’s needs so that he may have the personal character needed to be a good minister; (2) to so teach the student that he will have a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible and Bible languages of Greek and Hebrew that will enable him to become an expositor of the Word of God; (3) to so teach the student that he will have a comprehensive knowledge of the full scope of theology and will come to a resolute, personal conviction that will enable him to stand for, defend, and preserve biblical faith; (4) to help the student become proficient in the skill of preaching and teaching the Bible so that he will be able to call the lost to salvation and to edify the saints; (5) to provide practical knowledge so as to equip the student with the basic essentials necessary for a proper ministry.
The Bachelor of Theology program is a five-year program and is both a part of the undergraduate School of Divinity as well as part of entrance into the Seminary. This program requires a double major in Bible and Theology with a minor in Biblical Languages. A minimum of 168 credit hours is needed for this degree.