Apr 13
Annual Bible Conference
Apr 13–20
May 09
“My America” Musical Presentation
7:00 PM
May 11
Baccalaureate and Graduation Day
All day
Jun 01
Foundations Day
All day
With programs in Bible, music, and education, Foundations Bible College and Theological Seminary seeks to prepare its students to live in their generation with a life built on Christ, marked with Christian character, and expressed in biblical culture. Take time to explore our site to learn more about the church, school, and ministries of Foundations.
Apr 13
Apr 13–20
May 09
7:00 PM
May 11
All day
Jun 01
All day
In November 2024 the United States of America became one of sixty nations during this year to hold elections for their top national leadership. The election in the United States resulted in a vote for a new administration that gained both the electoral and popular votes in an unprecedented manner. The nation truly voted for a philosophical mandate of government to do away with the ongoing powers promoting the literal dismantling of America, both politically and economically. A new leadership now is called upon by the majority of Americans to return to principles and values that had placed our country in the forefront of independence, rather than the ongoing pursuance of becoming a third-world country escalating into the dark powers of socialism and communism.
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